
Massage is a treatment that works on many levels. It can be relaxing or in the case of tight acing muscles, it can be a deeper treatment. It can help relax body and mind. Massage is a good tool in injury prevention and treatment.

Benefits of Massage
Reduces muscle tension
Can help with range of motion and flexibility
Relieves stress
Helps you to relax
Relieves muscle spasm
Can help improve circulation
An excellent stress management tool
Good for mind and body

Therapeutic Massage
This is a gentle massage using flowing movements to help you relax and de-stress.

Deep Tissue Massage
This type of massage works deep into the muscle to get rid of those aches and tight muscles. This can be a general massage or specific to an area of the body.

Sports Massage
This uses a variety of techniques to help before, during or after a sports event. It can help promote flexibility and help prevent muscle injury

Hot Stone Massage
This can be a relaxing, healing treatment. The therapist places warm stones on certain parts or the body during the treatment. During the course of the treatment the stones are used as tools for massage in conjunction with regular massage. These techniques transfer heat deep into the muscle which promotes healing and circulation.

This is the use of Essential Oils, blended with a carrier oil to create a balance and promote healing in the body. Aromatherapy is beneficial for stress reduction, and improvement in circulation and digestion to mention but a few.

Trigger Point Therapy
A trigger can feel like a knot in the muscle which can be painful. One of the methods used to treat this involves the therapist working with the client through breathing and pressure to release the trigger.

Is a therapy that treats the hands and feet by means of pressure and stimulation to help keep the body in a state of balance thereby helping the body activate its own healing process. It works on the principal that there are reflex points in the hands and feet that correspond to different areas of the body.

The word means universal energy. This treatment works on the energy flowing through the body. It can be a hands on or off treatment helping to bring healing and balance to the mind and body.

Personal Trainer, Gym Instructor and personal trainer
As a personal trainer I can help you achieve your goals by making out a personalized program to suit you, whether you are a beginner, someone that wants to improve their level of fitness, reduce weight or just tone up. Training is a great way to keep fit, improve your strength and reduce stress levels.


Whatever your needs you can contact me by phone or email.

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